+94 77 364 9070

Your Hands Deserve the Best Protection

Experience the perfect fit for your hands and your job with Industrial Glove Lanka's range of work gloves. Our gloves are designed to meet the diverse needs of workers in various industries to perform jobs safely and efficiently.

Who We Are

Hand Protection Experts for All Your Needs

While robotic arms have advanced in recent decades, the human touch remains integral to the manufacturing and construction process. Industrial Glove Lanka understands the importance of protecting valuable hands from abrasive surfaces, sharp objects, hazardous chemicals, and heat. Our range of high-quality hand gloves are designed to provide reliable protection, ensuring the safety and comfort of workers across various industries

Commitment to Quality

We are dedicated to producing high-quality gloves that conform to rigorous international standards including ISO, SLS, EN, CE, and ASTM.

Elegance of Human Hands

While robotic arms have evolved to replace human hands in manufacturing, we believe that the human touch is still an important part of the process.

Industrial Safety Gloves

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Why Choose Us

Quality and Sustainability Without Compromise

At Industrial Glove Lanka, we pride ourselves on being a leader in the industrial glove industry. Here are some of the reasons that make us unique.

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Prevention is Better than Cure

Protect Your Hands With Confidence

Our gloves are designed to provide maximum protection against different types of hazards in the workplace. Our gloves can help protect against the following and many more.


Contact Us for All Your Glove Needs

Our team is always ready to help you find the best hand protection solutions for your needs. Whether you have a question, need a quote, or want to learn more about our products and services, don't hesitate to contact us today.